“With everything having life, with everything having the power of speech, with everything having the power to breathe, with everything having the power to teach and guide, with that in blessing we will live.” River Junction Curly

BodyEcology is a dynamic, embodied process that brings clarity and awareness on physical, emotional and energetic levels.

Zsuzsi Soboslay has devised the practice over the past 30 years, bringing intuition and expertise to both clinic and workshop practices.  She has helped people of all ages and backgrounds overcome chronic and acute illness,  trauma, developmental delay, and in life transitions. The work reconnects to our capacities to live with more agency, joy, presence, optimal health and creativity in our lives.

Zsuzsi’s work helps individuals and communities bring sustenance to our relationships, our hearts, our earth, our futures, and our children.


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 I acknowledge the Elders and Ancestors of all the lands on which I have lived and learn..